Not only is that one of my favorite expressions, but it's also the name of my new favorite, local and slightly dangerous snack: Dang Toasted Coconut Chips. At 115 calories per 0.7 oz serving, they almost don't seem worth it, but they totally are. At least in my opinion. They contain only coconut, sugar and salt and are toasted perfectly so that they crunch and then melt in your mouth. MELT, I TELL YOU!! 

You can add them to salads, oatmeal, desserts or whatever. Personally, I just like eating them straight out of the bag. Thankfully, the packages I've found at my local bodega only contain two servings so you can't do too much damage in one sitting. Apparently there's a 3.17 oz bag and other flavors though, so don't get mad at me if you end up downing 400+ calories in one sitting. Like I said, they're a little dangerous!

If you can't find these locally, they're available at Spencer's Market, Joyous and Amazon. If you love coconut as much as I do, you will LOVE these! Dang!!
