Thanksgiving Stuffed Pumkin Recipe! Oh, Yeah!

Last year I used a delicious white pumpkin.

Hi all!

I wanted to share this with you because it was SO GOOD last year, I'm making it again tomorrow! I found a stuffed pumpkin recipe online, then mixed it up...a lot! It came out amazing!! Even the meat-eaters loved it! Such an easy recipe to play around with and a really great alternative to a stuffed, dead bird on your table.

Enjoy and pass it on!


1 medium sized pumpkin (about 8-10" wide). I used a white pumpkin because they are a little sweeter and not quite so stringy inside, but any kind of pumpkin or round gourd will work.
Cornbread breadcrumbs. This time I used Trader Joes's cornbread-sourdough pre-made breadcrumbs and found they stay together better than homemade, but they are both yummy!

1 white or yellow onion, chopped.

2 cloves of fresh garlic, minced.

2 bunches of dinosaur or curly kale (any kale or collard or chard will work, I love dino kale though), chopped or ripped into smallish pieces. Make sure to discard the bitter stems.

Chopped walnuts (about 1/2c)

Dried cranberries, apricots or cherries. (about 1/2c)

1 persimmon, chopped. Skin included. (You could also use an apple.)

Tofurkey Italian Sausage with sun dried tomatoes, or any other kind of yummy faux sausage you like, sliced into coins.

Daiya vegan cheddar shreds.

Vegetable broth to moisten.

Olive oil


Preheat oven to 350º
Cut "lid" off pumpkin. (A little bigger than you would for a Jack O'Lantern.) Scoop out all seeds and pulp. Discard or roast the seeds.
Place pumpkin with lid on a baking sheet or dish and bake for 45 minutes. Remove and keep warm.
In a large, deep skillet, saute onions and garlic until clear and fragrant in a bit of olive oil.

Add in sausage and continue cooking until browned.
Add in kale. Stir until all kale is lightly coated with the oil.
Add remainder of ingredients and mix well, adding veggie broth as needed to moisten it up a bit. Not too much though, or it will get soggy!
Season to taste with thyme, sage, s+p or Italian seasoning, mix well.
Stuff pumpkin with mixture and add some extra Daiya on top. Bake at 350º (with or without lid) for another 45 minutes.
Scoop out the stuffing along with some of the pumpkin and dig in!


Keepin' it classy, Thanksgiving '10. The candied sweet potatoes were vegan too. 
Dandies! Gott love 'em!

P.S. This recipe is by no means low-calorie, hence my long, hilly run tomorrow morning. Preemptive calorie burn, people! Rest assured that is completely humane and filled with lots of yummy things that are really good for you though and Hell, it's ONE DAY! Go for it! :)
